Hello, everyone! I hope all is well and you’re enjoying your summer as much as you can, despite the incessant restrictions of COVID-19 & quarantine. Today, we’re going to be talking about a feature exclusive to our Unlimited Members, our Roadside Assistance Program aptly named AutoMayday. It’s a benefit we’ve had for quite some time, but recent ventures have ramped up the system tremendously, providing even more benefits for our clients! Alright, enough of the niceties. Let’s dig in.
What is AutoMayday?
Solid question. AutoMayday is a full-service, 24/7, nationwide roadside assistance program exclusive to our clients with active Cheetah Clean Unlimited memberships. Prior to September 1, 2020, this program was exclusively offered but only covered a 5-mile radius from a Cheetah Clean location. But we’ve made the necessary moves to revamp this program and bulk it up to its maximum potential. How so, you may ask?
Aut0Mayday Features
Nationwide Coverage
So, like I said, before you could only use AutoMayday from within five miles of your good ole neighborhood Cheetah Clean wash spot. But one of the perks we’ve added is a tenfold increase in range. Unlimited members are now covered within the entire nation. If you find yourself in a common vehicular predicament in Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, New Mexico, New Jersey, Idaho, Delaware, Maine, Florida, Texas, or any of the other 40 states in the U.S., AutoMayday absolutely has your back.
Need a tow?
If you’re stuck and need a tow, AutoMayday has the resources to get you out of a jam. We know how insanely stressful something like this can be, so we’ve tried to make it a bit easier for you, giving you certain assurances that everything will be okay. Fact is, things happen … but have some solace knowing that everything will be taken care of after a simple phone call. Note: Dispatch coverage for winching is limited to $50.
Locked out?
I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there at least once or twice in our lives, right? You’re thinking about a million things at once, a cup of coffee in your hand, paperwork in the other, rushing to get somewhere, running late … you get out of your car, close the door, and shout an expletive when you realize your keys are still in it and it’s locked. Tough. Stuff. But now you no longer have to think about busting your hand through a window to get your keys out, we’ve got you covered. AutoMayday will be on its way to get you back in your car, safe & sound.
Need a jump?
The most common occurrence is mid-winter when it’s entirely too cold to really be going anywhere, but bills have to be paid, right? Despite single-digit temps, the show must go on yet there are times when your car isn’t quite up to the task and the cold takes its toll. Extreme, harsh winters are a battery’s kryptonite and you’ll find the freezing temperatures will stagnate a charge. Thus, your vehicle’s engine won’t turn over because there isn’t enough juice. Or maybe it’s not winter and the battery just won’t give. In any case, AutoMayday will save the day and give you a jump. You’ll be back on the road in no time at all.
Have a flat?
There are few things more frustrating than a flat tire. Whether it’s the slow-leak that creeps up on you until the morning of an important meeting or the rusty nail you drove across on the freeway that has you pulled over on the shoulder with your emergencies on. No matter the cause, a flat tire is a hassle. Just know that anytime and anywhere, AutoMayday will be there to fix your flat. No hassle, no stress. Just convenience and quality service.
Run out of gas?
“I know my car,” you say nonchalantly. “I’m not worried, I’ll make it.”
And then, as you’re driving, you feel the dreaded loss of power from the accelerator — the dash lights start flickering and you immediately regret not stopping at the gas station a couple miles back. Again, these things happen. Fortunately for our Unlimited Members, we have a gas delivery service to bring you the fluids you need to get you back on the road. All at your convenience.
So theoretically, you could be all the way in BFE, U.S.A., miles away from a Cheetah Clean location when your tire goes flat, you run out of gas, you’re stuck in the mud, you’ve locked your keys in your car and it’s 3 A.M. on a Wednesday morning … and guess what? You’re still covered.
Now for the punchline — no pun intended. IF any of these things happen and you’re an Unlimited Member, all you have to do is call:
That’s 1-540-227-9274.
Become a Cheetah Clean Unlimited Member today and reap the benefits of AutoMayday, any time, any where. Head here to purchase your plan or call 270-842-0286 and we’ll get you signed up today!
Until then, be safe and stay blessed!